Rak Razam:
Celebrating the Chinese Year of the Monkey Thursday Jan 22nd, the
barrelfullofmonkeys.org are initiating a new experiment in party culture
that YOU are invited to! Riding the wave of recent global 'Flash Mob'
gatherings we are putting on a special type of 'Flash Mob PARTY' that
will last only 3 songs, in the central CBD of Melbourne, 7:00pm, Thurs
Jan 22nd. The location will be revealed by email notice or by checking
our website:
Using special FM technology we will broadcast the music on a local
frequency only partygoers will know - so you MUST bring a device with
a radio function and headphones - as this is a 'SILENT DANCING' party!!!
Numbers are limited, so please sign up by emailing rak@barrelfullofmonkeys.org
and read the information enclosed to be a part of the fun and mischief
of the Year of the Monkey!!!
99 monkeys can share an idea - but when the 100th monkey tunes in
a critical consciousness is achieved that tips the scales for all.
This critical mass for change depends on YOU!
Is a new type of party using micromitter FM radio technology to unite
small, wired communities within broadcast range on a common wavelength.
Party goers tune in to the FM transmission with a portable radio and
headphones - and no sound is heard by those outside the Network. Range
varies but noise pollution problems are solved, and the party can
camoflague itself silently across any urban cityscape.
A Smart Mob is any group called together through the use of technology
- whether that be the mobile, sms, email or any of the rapidly proliferating
new media. You may be in a distributed group mobilizing in the flesh,
or people that have no connection except the
attraction of gathering for a set duration. FLASH MOBS have the added
structure of being timed events, taking over space with Art, seizing
the moment and then quickly dispersing.
Hakim Bey coined the term Temporary Autonomous Zone or TAZ to describe
the reclaiming of space and time by communities from the mainstream
Spectacle. Unplug from the illusion and create your own reality now!
The radio frequency, location, time and other details will be advised
in your invitation email. The vibe is fun - bring out your inner you
and Join others on the same freakuency!
YOU could be the 100th Monkey! Send your email address to:
to be invited to the next party or check out
on Jan 22nd! All details strictly confidential / we do not pass on
your data.
19:00 - 22.1.04
To celebrate the Chinese Year of the Monkey Jan 22nd, the Barrelfull
of Monkeys pioneered a new experiment in party culture taking the
concept of the 'Flash Mob' and transmuting it into less of a mob and
more of a 'SILENT DANCING' party.
It was a warm early evening a few hours before sunset as the monkeys
gathered in the heart of the CBD. As people in suits and frowns streamed
by we met in the open lawns of the State Library under the watchful
eye of security and passerby alike, trams and trains opposite unloading
their human cargo whilst we monkeyed on. The guiding rule with Flash
Parties is if you're late - it's over. This was a beta-test of our
'Silent Dancing' portable FM transmitter and equipment and to see
if the dynamics of outdoor bush parties could be replicated on a smaller
scale in environments already occupied by other cultures by eliminating
external sound. 'SILENT DANCING' we call it - autonomous, roaming
short range pyrate radio. Details had been announced on our website
just after midnight Dec 22 and over two dozen people responded for
a successful Flash Party, armed with their portable radio receivers
and headphones.
As each participant approached and gingerly asked about 100th monkey,
we brought them into the group mind and let them in on the FM frequency,
specially chosen to broadcast most effectively in the city's FM bandwith.
A 'buddying' system organically developed as one monkey tuned into
the test signal and shared headphones to help tune in the new monkey
to the network, going round the circle and switching > ON, one
by one until everyone was linked.
Our musical mix was concocted by DJ Dakini and burnt to CD, played
on the CD player and broadcast by our micromitter FM transmitter approximately
45 metres. The mix was three songs and went approx. 23 minutes and
allowed for a steady building of the party vibe in microcosm. The
crowd was really getting into the music, doofing around and digging
the nu technology and the passersby were also smiling and staring,
taking photos and getting into watching the monkeys dancing! That
SILENT DANCING was making those monkeys go bananas!!! Every time a
headphone would randomly fall out during dancing the music would seem
like it had stopped; plug the headphone back in and the music started
again. This sounds bleedingly obvious, but the effect on consciousness
was marked and fun to repeat in staccotto off and on pulses of tuning
into the 100th monkey frequency! Dancing outside the broadcast range
allowed other channels to cut in like samples on the music mix. One
or two people had trouble tuning into a microfrequency on autodial
FM receivers that scan major channels only, but everyone who could
get the channel received the broadcast in strong, audible stereo FM.
SILENT DANCING is an idea many people have said they've had over the
years but none have tried in this Flash Party format. With cheap,
modern technology the applications are revolutionary. It is an idea
whose time has come.
We have the teknowledgy. We have the numbers. We liberated the space
in front of the State Library for our time; we danced and monkeyed
on, and like all Flash events, we left the space soon after as we
found it, untouched. The group mind transmitted through the frequency
as the monkeys locked on to the wavelength. Congratulations! You
are all the 100th Monkey!
Rak Razam
Thanks to Rak.
