Hanin Elias:
" ..Fatal is a sign of resistance. The whole world is built up on male
structures. That is why it's a men's world.But isn't that the reason why
everything is
so screwed up???? We want to represent a balance.A natural balance. Women
are the most important and the most responsible part on DHR FATAL! We
have our own statements, thoughts and music. It's gonna be a movement to change
the music business and the whole world! It's gonna be FATALE!!!!"
After a deep sleep "Fatal" was born."Fatal" has awoken
and means change, rebellion, and resistance! Balance does not exist in our
world. There has never been a fair distribution of power. This is primarily
due to a lack of female factors. My longing for comrades-in-arms is disappointed
again and again by brainwashed, consumption addicted "girlfriends" who
seem to find fulfilment as pretty accessories to successful "boys" in
the fashion, sex and cosmetics industries. In "Fatal" girls are
not some decorative accessories. "Fatal" is a force against
the male-driven music industry and its great heroes.
" She" is resistance, not some male fantasy and not a super-megamodel.
We are fighting for humans, not for puppets in a stupefaction machine. What
exactly is so emancipated about the woman of today? They are slaves of the
male dominated media-fashion-diet industry. We are still being used just
as much to build up male self-confidence. Our bodies have become an effective
method of advertising and they get thinner all the time! "Fatal" does
not want to enrich the male world. It wants to change it, like a tiny wheel
turning against the flow in a giant clockwork. Bit by bit there will be more
and more tiny wheels! Ignore us and you'll never awaken from your slumbers.
Those who have gone before us, the female terror and intellectual organizations
from the '20s, '60s and '70s are not dead and forgotten. Riot girls, hip-hop
women are pushing the movement forward. And now? "Fatal" screams
above everything! "Fatal" unifies all music and musicians, all
the sympathizers, everything connected with an autonomous electronic movement
on DHR. Many women will take this way of chaos of order without rule. This
is the highest form of organization! Our aim is the destruction of power,
money, industry, state and god! We have recognised that the state is not
a phantom, it is not an unassailable, anonymous creation. Rather it is the
expression of certain power structures, especially those determined by commerce.
God is an invention of the early male world. Men have never come to terms
anywhere with the fact that women have children and by doing this create
life. They seem small and unimportant. Thus they have invented for themselves
and for us a super man: god. The creator of the universe. This is so obviously
grotesque and unrealistic, you'd fall off your seat laughing if it wasn't
still believed in and "practiced" across the world. The creator
is a man? Ha ha! We're not going to let this society continue throwing
sand in our eyes, a society that only wants to quieten us down and exploit
senses. Be realistic! Demand the impossible!
Berlin, October 4, 1998
Hanin Elias:
Fatal is a platform for women and also for men. The label gives them
the possibility to make electronic music without technocratic expectations
and to spread it. No one is an outsider because they don't speak the
of specialists and technicians, as long as the music is special and has
Energy.....of the Fatal Label: dark, aggressive, hypnotic, full of fever,
pain and politics.....you know what I mean... You don't have to prove
how much knowledge you have, about things nobody cares about anyway.
the Reason why the label is first of all a chance for women, because
they did'nt
had one in the electronic musicszene so far. Women had to fit into a
machoworld of posing, strange "for men only"-rituals, statussymbols and pseudoperfection.
Boys and girls had to learn that only the strongest can survive, that boys
who are more sensitiv and intellectual than others get laught at and they
where often called "You girl !" AntiLesson1) Beeing a man is
better than beeing a girl. But if you are a girl and you behave like
a boy should,
everyone is disgusted. AntiLesson 2) You better believe the stupid girlmagazines
which tell you how to look and behave !!!!!! In nearly every commercial
is a message like this to keep men and women apart from each other. They
to be so proud of their mansworld and wanna keep things as they are.
It's the same as racism to degrate women as sexobjects, as stupid, as
vamp or
as animals , as secondclass. But everyone seems to exept it. We don't
!!!! How far has the Mansworld come ???? It's time to set ourselves free
start to think in a moredimen- sional world, then we can live in one
someday !
There is a live beyond the mainstream we only have to live it ! Technic
can help us to get there, we only have to use it in a different way....but
of all we have to look different as ourselves and our sisters. Society
gave us a brainwash.... We see each other as a competition because we
don't have
the same Chances as the Guys, for example in every Movie you see so many
different male characters but only one, two or at least 3 women. In most
bands there is only one female singer (if there is a girl in the Band
at all....). Dont you find that strange? With Fatal we learn more from
other, we wanna feature our friends and wanna see them grow with a new
kind of selfesteem That has nothing to do with powergames or hirachy.
The world
is a mad place, let's find out a way to live in it. It's gonna be fatal....for
some people....
Hanin Elias:
I just want to let all of you know that Fatal-recordings is of course a Platform
for women but also for men who have politically and idealistic the same ideals
of expressing themselves against a global-capitalist first world surroundet
by half-starved third-world-people who are named evil and bad by our political
leaders in our names! We fight against conformaty but also against tight
dogmatic rules and we don't close our eyes and mouths when we see that things
are wrong. Fatal is not in the first place a feminist Label . Of course we
stand up for women but we also discuss everything and we don't want to create
a fanatic stillstand._I really planned it at first place but then I saw so
much interest of men, girls, women and boys to help building up Fatal-recordings
and they all really supported the idea so that I felt stupid to say Fatal-recordings
is a label only for women. We really need men and women to work together
to have the right tension and go together to a next level, everything else
is just a monoculture. It's more of an attitude-thing to be a member of fatal
than the little difference of sex. There is so much to do and we live in
a strange time where everything wants to prepare us for war and hate,I don't
see any need of not working together for a better future._Boy-Girl-Revolution!_Fuck
all rules and Dogmas but keep your Principles_No Conformity, No Stillstand,
No Black or White, No Good or Bad,_It's all in you! You don't need to decide,
accept it all in you and there will be Peace.
Berlin, August 2002
Dank an Hanin Elias.