- deutsch -
The non-commercial Archive Sterneck.net (former Cybertribe-Archive) documents in its about 500 articles the possibilities of personal and
cultural development, forms of expression of the resistance against destructing structures and the variety of the paths
to a concrete Utopia. Mostly
the articles are written in german, some in english.
The articles are archived for the public, they do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors. Thereby the goal is not to create
a unified position, but rather to document positions and perspectives, as well as to energize discussion and in some cases encourage realizations.
The copyrights of the texts are held by the corresponding authors. Here, once again, a sincere 'Thanks' for the supply. In a few cases it
was not possible to get in contact with the authors. We hope, however, that they agree to the use on the basis of the idealistic and non-commercial
aims of the Archive. If this should not be the case, please send a message and we will take the text out of the archive, with a sincere apology.
contact@sterneck.net - www.sterneck.net/archive
