- What is Indymedia?
- Was ist Indymedia?
- Nadir.org
Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and
hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage.
Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical,
accurate, and passionate tellings of truth.
We work out of a love and inspiration for people to who continue
to work for a better world, despite corporate media's distortions
and unwillingness to cover the efforts to free humanity and the
The goal of indymedia is free speech through open and democratic
creation and sharing of information. The IMC movement started with
coverage of the N30 WTO protests in Seattle. It played a huge role
in getting accurate, up-to-date information out from behind the
corporate media curtain, and worked so well in Seattle that indymedia
centers have become a vital part of radical movements worldwide.
At every major demonstration and in many areas around the globe,
IMCs provide frontlines coverage of issues and events that continue
to be ignored by the mainstream corporate media.
What is Indymedia?
Distilled from our mission statement: Indymedia is a collective
of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering
grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Indymedia is a democratic media
outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings
of truth. There are currently about over fifty Independent Media
Centers around the world. Each IMC is an autonomous group that has
its own mission statement, manages its own finances and makes its
own decisions through its own processes. To learn more about each
IMC, visit its web page. You will find links to IMC web sites on
the left column of the main page Indymedia page (http://www.indymedia.org).
Most of the below information answers questions that site visitors
frequently ask about "Indymedia.org," an organization
composed of independent media activists from around the world who
are working to coordinate international independent media projects.
The Indymedia.org group manages an international Indymedia page
(http://www.indymedia.org) and coordinates technical and editorial
policy issues that affect all IMCs that are associated with the
Indymedia network.
How did the IMC project get started?
Indymedia is the collective effort of hundreds of independent
media makers from around the world who are dedicated to providing
a forum for independent reporting about important social and political
issues. Several hundred media activists, many of whom have been
working for years to develop an active independent media through
their own organizations, came together in late November, 1999 in
Seattle to create an Independent Media Center to cover protests
against the World Trade Organization. The Seattle IMC provided coverage
of the WTO through both a printed publication called ?The Blind
Spot? and the first IMC web site. The web site received almost 1.5
million hits during the WTO protests. In February of 2000 a small
IMC formed in Boston to cover the Biodevestation Convergence, and
a larger one came together in Washington D.C. to cover the A16 protests
against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. After that
request from local groups interested in forming their own IMCs started
to pour in. There are now over fifty local Independent media centers
around the world and more are on the way. You will find a list of
local IMCs on the left column of the www.indymedia.org site.
What are Indymedia?s long-term goals?
That?s a big question, one that every Indymedia organizer would
likely answer in a different way. Indymedia endeavors to empower
people to become the media by present honest, accurate, powerful
independent reports. One vague long-term goal would be to foster
and facilitate the development of as much independent media as possible
around the world. Some come to their Indymedia organizing with a
deeper goal, to enable people, while they're ?becoming the media,?
to realize they can take control of other aspects of their lives
that they previously left up to ?experts? or 'professionals.' On
a practical level, some who are involved with Indymedia are working
toward the development of national and/or international television
or radio networks, and others are working toward the establishment
of an international independent regular newspaper and others projects
that will assure the public has access to independent news reports.
How is Indymedia associated with the 'anti-globalization' movement?
While Indymedia is not a conscious mouthpiece of any particular
point of view, many Indymedia organizers and people who post to
the Indymedia newswires are supporters of the ?anti-globalization?
(alternative globalization, anti-corporatization) movement. Corporate
media often describe those who protest so-called ?free trade? conferences
and agreements as being "anti-globalization," ostensibly
against the process of breaking down national borders to create
what pro-globalization economists claim will be a more profitable
world. This misrepresents the reality of the international movement
for social justice, which advocates not the ?free trade? of powerful
governments (trade that allows goods and services to flow across
national borders, often in a way that allows producers to move their
manufacturing plants to countries where they can pay workers a pittance),
but "fair trade" that opens borders to goods and people
as a way of sharing the earth?s natural and manufactured resources
in a way that will benefit all. Today?s social justice activists
are not against globalization of community, justice and resources,
they protest the economic globalization coordinated by the powerful
few that results in their profiting from the work of the majority
of the world?s population. They sometimes prefer to call themselves
?alternative globalization? activists, or those who are against
the increasing corporatization of society and culture. What draws
many of these activists to Indymedia? Perhaps people who protest
the power multinational corporations, faceless international financial
institutions and inaccessible governments have over their lives
find encouragement in Indymedia?s news wire, which encourages them
to present their own account of what is happening in the world.
People participating in protests that question the very tenets of
corporate domination of their lives understand why their issues
are unlikely to receive honest consideration in the corporate-owned
media. Activists planning an alternative globalization/anti-corporatization
event can assure a safe space for presenting non-corporate news
by forming a local IMC to provide coverage of the event, or posting
news to the site of a local IMC that currently exists.
If each IMC is autonomous how do you make global Indymedia decisions?
Indymedia is currently developing a global decision-making process
that will enable all IMCs to make decisions that affect the whole
network. The current proposal is for Indymedia to form a "global
spokescouncil" that will confirm decisions on global Indymedia
issues that local IMCs have made through their own decision-making
processes. When this process develops, you will find information
about it on the Indymedia sites. If you would like to be involved
in developing the spokescouncil idea or working on other Indymedia
process issues you may subscribe to the imc-process[@t]indymedia.org
e-mail list through the http://lists.indymedia.org page. If you've
been involved in Indymedia for a while and would like to participate
in the decision-making working group, the group that's focusing
attention and work on developing the a global decision-making process,
subscribe to imc-dmwg[@t]indymedia.org through the lists page.
Do you really organize via the Internet?
Yes. While people in local IMCs organize face-to-face, many
IMC projects have international involvement and discussion about
them happens primarily through e-mail lists. You may view the archives
of all Indymedia e-mail lists by going to http://lists.indymedia.org,
clicking on the name of the list you would like to explore, and
clicking on the link that takes you to the archive of that list.
Another collaborative resource is the indymedia Twiki, a content
management system which basically works like an open-access website.
Sometimes people who are organizing Indymedia projects ?meet? on-line
in chat rooms on the Indymedia IRC (inter-relay chat) server (http://irc.indymedia.org)
to communicate in real time. Some international IMC working groups,
such as the Imc-Print team, have weekly IRC meetings.
What is the address/phone/fax of Indymedia's office?
Believe it or not, the Indymedia has no central office, and
therefore we have no address, phone number or fax. That said, many
indymedia centers have offices. You can find indymedia contact information
for local imc's at www.indymedia.org/contact.php3.
Was ist indymedia?
indymedia Deutschland versteht sich als ein multimediales Netzwerk
unabhängiger und alternativer Medien, MedienmacherInnen, engagierter
Einzelpersonen und Gruppen. Es bietet offene, nichtkommerzielle
Berichterstattung sowie Hintergrundinformationen zu aktuellen sozialen
und politischen Themen. Bereits bestehende alternative Strukturen
sollen dadurch in ihrer Arbeit unterstützt werden.
Das Projekt ist selbst wiederum Teil der internationalen Medienvernetzung
Wie entstand die Idee von indymedia?
Seit dem Ende des kalten Krieges ist es zu einer nie dagewesenen
Zusammenballung etablierter Medienmacht gekommen. Medienkonzerne
verbreiten über unzählige Kanäle ihre vielfach durch
politische u./o. wirtschaftliche Interessen gefärbten Informationen
und konstruieren somit Kraft ihrer Definitionsmacht ein Bild der
Realität, das teilweise in krassem Gegensatz zu einer von vielen
Menschen ganz anders erlebten Wirklichkeit steht.
Dies erschwert weltweit die Arbeit verschiedenster AktivistInnengruppen,
deren Einsatz für mehr Gerechtigkeit von den grossen Medien
systematisch übersehen und deren Anliegen u. Aktivitäten
gefiltert, verzerrt oder gar nicht dargestellt werden - solange
es nicht 'ins Bild passt'. Um solch massive 'Lücken', die jede komplexere Wahrheitsfindung
verhindern, auszufüllen, begannen Menschen in den verschiedensten
Teilen der Erde alternative Informationskanäle u. Verbreitungswege
aufzubauen wie z.b. Untergrundmagazine, freie Radio- u. Fernsehsender,
unabhängige Filmproduktionen etc. Diese Ansätze zu vernetzen und dadurch auch in ihrer globalen
Gegenpräsenz zu verstärken war dann einer der Hauptgedanken,
die zur Entstehung von indymedia führten.
indymedia/IMC trat unter diesem Namen und den damit verbundenen
Medienstrategien (wichtige Schwerpunkte: Internet / Open Posting
) im November '99 in Seattle anlässlich der Proteste gegen
die WTO und globalen Kapitalismus an die Weltöffentlichkeit,
indem die IMC-Seite während dieser Zeit eine minutiöse
Berichterstattung von AktivistInnen über das Geschehen vor
Ort lieferte. Das Internet bot hier die Möglichkeit, unabhängig vom
einzelnen Individuum einen massiven Informationsfluss zu koordinieren,
eine Diskussionsplattform zu bieten und somit in Kooperation mit
anderen Medienkanälen grösstmögliche Öffentlichkeit
zu schaffen.
Seitdem entstanden v.a im Zusammenhang mit politischen Grossveranstaltungen
weltweit immer mehr neue indymedia-Zentren, die sowohl regional
als auch international alternatives Nachrichtenmaterial veröffentlichen. Auch die Gründung eines IMC in Deutschland ist stark mit den
aus Prag ( 26.9.00, globaler Aktionstag gegen die IWF- und Weltbanktagung)
mitgebrachten Eindrücken und Erfahrungen hiesiger AktivistInnen
verknüpft.Wo liegt der politische Ansatz von indymedia im Gegensatz
zu den Mainstreammedien?
indymedia Deutschland versteht sich als ein emanzipatorisches, unabhängiges
Mediennetzwerk ohne kommerzielle Interessen - hier ist die Information
kein Modethema, keine 'Handelsware' mit Marktwert - mit dem zentralen
Ansatz, Gegenöffentlichkeit zu schaffen, indem die Menschen
an der gesellschaftlichen Basis DIREKT zu Wort kommen; darum ist
auch das Open Posting ein so wichtiger Bestandteil der Idee.
Diese Form des direkten Zugriffs öffnet die Grenze zwischen
KonsumentInnen und ProduzentInnen, verstärkt das - von den
vorherrschenden Informationsstrukturen weitgehendst unangesprochene...
- Bewusstsein der Menschen in Bezug auf ihr gesellschaftliches Mitsprache-
und Mitgestaltungsrecht und kann somit effektiv zu emanzipatorischen
Veränderungsprozessen sowohl inner- als auch ausserhalb der
Medienlandschaft beitragen. Alle Beteiligten handeln eigenverantwortlich, Mitgliedschaften oder
interne Hierarchien/Führungsstrukturen wie in anderen Organisationen
widersprächen massiv dem Grundprinzip des Projekts. Alle, die
sich einbringen, SIND dadurch gleichzeitig (und von daher gleichberechtigt)
indymedia. indymedia ist immer auch Teil der Bewegung, von der es berichtet.
Was will indymedia NICHT sein?
- Ersatz für schon bestehende alternative Informationsstrukturen;
hier soll indymedia nur unterstützende / vernetzende Funktion
- Absatzpool für vorbereitete Stellungnahmen hierarchischer,
etablierter oder kommerzieller Gruppierungen
- Diskussionsforum oder Verstaltungskalender; indymedia eignet sich
wegen seiner Struktur nur sehr schlecht dafür. Eine Auswahl
an Diskussionsforen und Veranstaltungskalendern sind hier und hier
- Plattform für sexistische, rassistische, faschistische u./o.
antisemitische Beiträge jeder Art.