Luix Saldaña:
After passing from one hand to the next, from one voice to another
voice, the skillfully carved Talking-Stick finally reaches The Dreamers
hands... The Sacred Microphone... no one is allowed to interrupt
the speaker holding such a stick... the attendance at The Tribal
Councils Tipi has swell well and no one can tell if theres
room for more bodies. Long time Elders and Many Tribal Leaders are
brain-storming on new ways and lively discussing The Alter-Natives
Re-Evolution Document... at the center right in the heart, Grandfather
Fire provides warmth and protection, wisdom and guidance and lighting
up the place sends out ghost-like dancing reflections, moving spirit-shadows
and restless haze-faces...outside The Human Drumming Machine is
going for a regular 24 hours a day spin... The Heart-Beat of The
Rainbow Dream... so Talking-Stick in hand The Dreamer takes a moment
to gather his thoughts and humbly praying to The Great Spirit for
a clear mind and a clean channeling gently commences to speak...
When The Earth is ravaged
and The Animals are dying,
a new tribe shall come unto The Earth
from many colors, classes, creeds
and who by their actions and deeds...
shall make The Earth Green again.
They will be known as...
The Warriors of The Rainbow.
- Old Native American Prophecy -
Magic in the image, angels dream-land. Within the rainbow
nation every body is familiar with that beautiful prophecy and we
all want to believe it, and we are proud of it... so do we want
to really make it come true? Do we truly want to make it happen?
Do we want to walk together and grow in a good way?... are we aware
of the commitment entailed in the adoption of such a prophecy?...
are we ready for such a commitment?... If so... then lets get moving
with the energy, lets let the image unfold within the waves of our
existence, just like the most wonderful ever all around-good film:
plot, atmosphere, imagery, music, characters and all. Lets make
our lifes a permanent tribal piece of art...
Shifting bodies restlessly sight.
Some in the circle prematurely evaluate.
One more whacko, one more long ego-speech...
and their talking-minds voicelessly responding;
living the prophecy?...
that is just what we are doing here...
But flying in concentration and absolutely undisturbed, Brother
Dream-Rhymer continues...
Openness to collective impeccability will place us much higher
upon the scale of evolution and while we kiss the spirit we will
be in a permanent connection with holiness, because... Evolution
is the law of life.
A quiet assent from The Original Elders favorably inclines the
energetic mood towards The Dreamers Collective Dream and The
Dreamer fully focused cranks the Dream on...
I know that in a very general way we are a truly extremely
relaxed tribe and many of us out there are either too comfortable
or have no faith in something this simple and so clean, The Alter-Natives
Re-Evolution Scheme. You know? It is not about big sacrifices, nor
ritualistic pain, each to its own choosing, but we have to keep
the song evolving to the point of a perfect symphony. Nobody is
an island, we are all part of the score, we just have to commit
to a form. Do you want to be part of the casting for this piece
of peace?...
By playing the game of freedom meaning no organization
or very little, no structures or very little, we are exactly playing
the harmless rebel part that has being designed for us. Rainbow
warriors on dope, with a rope. Unorganized and structure-less, we
are an easy target, piece of cake, no match...do you have a watch,
do we have any time left? No successful group nor productive individual
has yet avoided manipulation by mr. Big, but groups together, unified
circles, and goodwill partnerships have a bigger chance to stand
that stance... would you like to dance?... will you dance with me?...
will us all together dance for peace and realization?
The Tribal Opinion is very whimsical, it is just a processed reflection
of the systems public opinion, it goes back and forth according
to the seasons and the weather, and most of us dont like to
hear Naked Truths, but the whole thing makes sense and tribal people
are more sensible in this regard, so they all within the circle,
take it like real men, and Dreamer Brother-Man goes
on to deliver some more...
Generalization is a two way street, and even more exposing,
it is a two edge sword, so with this in mind i will like to send
out a call of attention for this point that here i come to mention...
that the particularities of The Rainbow Nation change from one individual
to another, and more so from one country to another, that the whole
rainbow spectrum includes all kinds of creatures dancing the Ying
and yang dance: negative and positive, casual and committed, weak
and strong, givers and takers, arrogant and humble etc. so in many
cases you find rainbow-heads totally busy in being full time stone-heads,
and just further up we find the ones busily walking the Indians
spiritual path, sweat lodge, vision quest and all the rest, then
on the other side we will find the hard working ones tirelessly
building community life, then in a colorful ego-display we will
normally see the rainbow super-star, and goes on for long with all
the infinite variations of human-kind... so i just wanted to point
out that local networks, culture and economy are a determinant factor
on how we walk the rainbow path...
Clarification or confusion, The Dreamer feels closer to a solution
so he builds more on the infusion...
I know, i have gone on and on, and then and again underlining
and highlighting so much this theme of organizing and making structures,
orchestrating and putting order into tribes, that many of you may
think that im a square fanatic, walking around with a notepad
making lines and calculations, and that im a files order and
archives freak and all that. Well ill tell you, i do have
some kind of bourgeoimamathosis tale to tell, i do fluffy-fly flowing
within the four fine-flavored flames of the fancy phantoms and i
like to think of myself as a respectable Mazahua indian and a Rainbow
diplomat, and i am working hard to have as much comfort as is decently
necessary: nice toys and great tools, up to date world music, organic
first rate food and fine cuisine, cotton, wool and silk clothing
and accessories. Of course all with sobriety and balance, otherwise,
there will be no chance for the next dance... and by the way, i
do walk around from time to space, and in and out of dimensions
with a notepad in my hands-head, slowly sliding down the sky-way
writing some kind of calculations... cosmic inspirations, rhymes
for freedom, verses for stars, renegade prose, cries for justice
and musical callings for the return of magic and logic...
The poet flies along... The Dreamer makes another song... the circle
shifts uneasy, the wheel skips a beat, but The Rolling Dreamer is
already a channel, an instrument and a voice in the powerful lead
of the great soul, it is not up to him any more, the control is
out of his will... so in The Dreamers body and with the dreamers
voice, The Spirit leads on with...
yet another prophecy...
The tasks of these Warriors of the Rainbow are
many and great. There will be terrifying mountains of ignorance
to conquer and they shall find prejudice and hatred. They must be
dedicated, unwavering in their strength, and strong of heart. They
will find willing hearts and minds that will follow them on this
road of returning Mother Earth to beauty and plenty.
Once more
By Lelanie Stone: from her web-page
Well earth siblings, i dont want to turn you off with
these theme, particularly you, the ones that come from the most
civilized countries, where they have scared
the shit out of you with so much order, authority and structures,
that you want to bail out and dont know where to hide from
it, and that you have developed such an allergic reaction to all
that, that you dont know where to turn to for the cure.
From my point of view your reaction is a cultural one, just like
my attitude about order is, because i come from a very unorganized
and chaotic system and that might make me want or need some kind
of anchor and bureaucratic harmony, but also my people is very family oriented and tribal structures are very natural to
us, and most of these are normally used for the good of the group...
The spirit channeling through The Dreamer is on the lose, feeling
and rapidly processing the dreamers life experiences, seriously
takes on Luixes roll...
I also think that the kind of order and structures that many
of you have experienced, have being calculated for the control of
every thing that can be controlled, specially you.
On deciding that the coming lines are not her business and for
that matter, neither none of the other lines, The She-Spirit reluctantly
chooses not to interfere any longer and spiritually vacates The
Vessel-Dreamer... and The Dreamer back from limbo, keeps on with
the rainbow lingo...
So my position is that we can use a kind of order and structures
designed to make us more independent in many different ways. Ways
that will give us more freedom than we ever dreamed off, structures
that will give us wings to fly off without limits within the limits
of love, life and beauty... and new ways to forever better gather
The circle is wheeling, the wheel is reeling peeling rust and blowing
dust, and they all have the rolling feeling that tribal things need
to move on, that leadership and structures may not be that bad,
and whats more, many in there think that these are badly needed
but thirty years of a program are not easy to deprogram, so the
circles feelings wheel back and forth while the dreamer keeps
wheeling on...
The past is lost in time and the future is rapidly shrinking,
so the only assured time we really have and when we are able to
exercise the most control is right now... now, now, now. We are
supposed to be the fulfillment of the prophecy; well hermanasos,
lets assume it, now, lets do it, now, lets not fuck it up and lets
make the Hopis and the rest of the far-seers, look good and the
true prophets of the vision.
The following is an statement from the Maya Zapatistas of Chiapas
Our blood and our world have lighted a small fire in the mountains
as we march against the house of money and control of the powerful,
brothers and sisters of other races, other languages and other colors,
but with the same heart, protect our light and drink from the same
fire. The arrogant, wish to extinguish a rebellion which they mistakenly
believe began in the dawn of 1994. But this rebellion which has
a swarthy face and an indigenous language was not born today, it
spoke before with other languages in many mountains and many histories
All dressed up in white buffalo hide, suspended above The Circle
of The Rainbow-Dreamers, ether-like in the brightness of the dusk,
The She-Spirit is aching to go back into The Dreamers mouth,
some how all this is so important for every ones survival that at
least for just a moment she will love to be a mortal amongst this
lovely circle... The Dreamer sensing her presence and her anxiety,
as if talking to let her know that he is on the right track and
there is no need to worry about him loosing the chosen path, continues
with the next lines...
I want to stress out the importance of a relationship of
mutual support with traditional peoples, the survival of the indigenous
and aboriginal tribes and their cultures is directly linked with
our survival and ultimately with the survival of the planet. The
day the last traditional human being dies or abandons his or her
own traditions, there will be no more land left for living, every
part of it will be fenced around to be used up for business in the
ultimate exploitation. There will be no hope of finding magic and
logic again... at least not for a long time... a very long time.
For they are the keepers of ancient wisdom, the jewels of freedom,
they hold the keys and secret codes for other dimensions, other
planes, they are the bridge to magical healing and they are our
last link with the primal spirit... after that is total robot time
in an absolutely controlled digital synthetic cage, and nature will
be recorded, classified and electronically kept in some obscure
government archives and presented to us by the global markets in
a fancy museum display as a dangerous and happily extinct thing
of the past...
The Elders quietly agree, The Tribal Leaders are totally with it
and The Buffalo She-Spirit breaths out with relief... by now a circular
energetical connection like a working complicity, has been established
between The Dreamer and The She-Spirit, and with that blessing,
Brother-Dreams-Builder easily opens up his heart...
All i want to do is to preach by example, doing such a good
job living the logical clean natural life, so full that all kinds
of people will want to join us. I want us to develop an active philosophy
of service, that will touch the hearts of every being that comes
in contact with us...
love overflows and changes every thing it touches.
So my hermanasos, im speaking from the heart,
hear me, feel me and talk to me,
lets join hands, spirits dance rejoice,
joining hands we dance,
joining souls we flow into the source of the magical whole,
mother earth and father cosmos...
All bro-sis in the tipi are swimming in the holiness of the moment,
fully living it and blissfully expecting the rest of the text...
Brother-Dreamer absolutely aligned with such a spiritual influence
opens up some more...
Get out of the city,
far from noise and lights,
look up in a moonless night,
see the sea of stars,
relate to them,
map them out,
connect them with lines and circles,
dream them with magical meanings,
celebrate and live by them,
more connected day by day.
The better we dance with the whole and the more in tune we are with
the closer we get to the truth of goodness.
Align your life-lines with the sky-lines,
just like the Maya did,
power lines in their buildings,
their dances, their rituals, their poetry, their art,
their agriculture, their work, their dreams,
and their sciences aligned with the sea of stars,
every corner, every window, doors, angles, altitudes,
latitudes, moves, words, poetry and different dimensions,
like antennas and satellites connecting the people with mother earth
and with the cosmos,
dancing the dance of the seasons,
moving, living, loving and working in harmony in a cosmic symphony
of real human cosmic integrity....
The Circle is over for the night, the She-Spirit guards The Camp,
The Elders go for a Pipe, The Tribal Leaders go to their tribes
and The Dreamer...
goes on Dreaming...
still another indian prophecy...
...It is said that in these times
the spirit of the indigenous peoples will be reborn in all races
and would gather together in this land of Amerikua,
Turtle Island...
A portion of the different races of the rainbow colors
would see that we are all one family.
These Warriors of The Rainbow
would bring with them
a new time of living in harmony with Mother Earth and all of her
Heyoehkah Merrifield, Cherokee.
Taken from: Luix Saldaña / Alter-Natives Re-Evolution
World Peace
Planet Earth One People, One Country
Back to The Land and Forward to The Stars
Self Peace
Love Expansion and Unity with The Great Spirit
Back to Magic and Logic and Forward to The Sky of Realization
Luix Saldaña : www.xocotzin.org
Yolitia - Healing Place : www.yolitia.org
Centro Nierika - Holistic Transformation Center : www.centronierika.net
Thanks to Luix Saldaña.